Noise Map

Part facsimile sketchbook, part manifesto, Justin Bennett's Noise Map collects recent drawings, texts and photographs. Noise Map both documents and enhances his sound work.
It contains essays on noise, Musique Concrete, field recording, the correspondences between music and architecture and between sound and image.

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The original edtion of Noise Map (now sold out) was made for the "crashcourse" project of Meinebank. Berlin, Sept. 2003. and was published by Spore Records, Den Haag with financial support from meinebank. Berlin; and Stroom HCBK, Den Haag.

21 x 15 cm
156 pages, many illustrations, 16 in full colour on 130gs paper.
all text in english.
published in an edition of 500.

noise map CD still available!