Noise Map
A grant from meinebank. Berlin together with Stroom HCBK's
productiesubsidie made it possible to publish a book and a CD
both called "Noise Map" which collect recent work.
As well as drawings, photography and documentation of soundworks,
the book contains essays on noise, Musique Concrete, field recording,
sound installation, the correspondences between music and architecture
and between sound and image.

The CD samples the vibrations of the real world using field recordings.
Sometimes the field recordings are untreated, sometimes they simply
form a template for generating an otherwise completely electronic piece.
Either way, the act of recording, of listening intently to the world is
the seed from which the CD is grown. The growing process takes place
within a virtual space in software; at the same time the compositions
concentrate on the way these sounds fill and alter real acoustic spaces
when played over loudspeakers. The real world from the past is filtered
and mapped onto the listening space here-and-now in different ways in
each piece.
<BGSOUND SRC="sound/field.mp3">

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